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Search Tips

To begin your search on Clinical Prep, type a word, phrase, or entire question directly into the search bar. You can press “Enter” or click “Search” to see relevant results that will display at the topic level. The more specific your question, the more specific the results.  For example, if you type, “What are treatments for atrial fibrillation?” You will first see questions tailored to treatment of the disease.  If you type, “atrial fibrillation”, you will see more generalized questions related to the disease.

If you wish to narrow your search results, you can click the options to the left-side of the screen, including choices such as etiology, diagnosis, and treatment to see more focused questions. You may also choose to include or exclude special populations such as pregnancy, elderly, and pediatrics by clicking the checkboxes to the left-side of the screen.

If you prefer to browse topics, rather than use the search functionality, you may click into any specialty area, and then choose a specific topic to view all the questions contained within that area.