RT Book, Section A1 Schwebke, Jane R. A2 Klausner, Jeffrey D. A2 Hook, Edward W. SR Print(0) ID 3025108 T1 Chapter 11. Bacterial Vaginosis T2 CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases YR 2007 FD 2007 PB The McGraw-Hill Companies PP New York, NY SN 978-0-07-145606-7 LK accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=3025108 RD 2025/02/18 AB • Grayish-white vaginal discharge.• Presence of vaginal epithelial clue cells.• Vaginal pH higher than 4.5.• Positive “whiff” test.• Decreased numbers of lactobacilli.• Increased bacteria count, consisting mainly of short rods observed on wet mount.