RT Book, Section A1 Olanow, C. Warren A1 Klein, Christine A2 Loscalzo, Joseph A2 Fauci, Anthony A2 Kasper, Dennis A2 Hauser, Stephen A2 Longo, Dan A2 Jameson, J. Larry SR Print(0) ID 1212119814 T1 Tremor, Chorea, and Other Movement Disorders T2 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21e YR 2022 FD 2022 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9781264268504 LK accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1212119814 RD 2025/02/14 AB Hyperkinetic movement disorders are characterized by involuntary movements unaccompanied by weakness (Table 436-1). This term is somewhat arbitrary and potentially misleading as hypokinetic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) are often accompanied by tremor, which is a hyperkinetic feature, and hyperkinetic disorders such as dystonia may manifest slow or restricted movement because of the severe muscle contractions. Nonetheless, the terms continue to be used because of convention. The major hyperkinetic movement disorders and the diseases with which they are associated are considered in this section.