RT Book, Section A1 Badreshia-Bansal, Sonia A1 Patel, Mayha A1 Taylor, Susan C. A2 Kelly, A. Paul A2 Taylor, Susan C. A2 Lim, Henry W. A2 Serrano, Ana Maria Anido SR Print(0) ID 1161544624 T1 Structure and Function of Skin T2 Taylor and Kelly's Dermatology for Skin of Color, 2e YR 2016 FD 2016 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9780071805520 LK accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1161544624 RD 2025/02/14 AB KEY POINTSEpidermal differences include stratum corneum structure, lipid ­content, and melanin dispersion.Dermal differences include varied structural organization and ­concentration of dermal components.Although few definitive conclusions can be made with sparse research, biological skin differences do exist.These biological differences in skin structure and function account for lower rates of skin cancers and less pronounced photoaging, but also increased incidence of keloids and a variety of pigmentary disorders.