Essentials of Diagnosis
Chronic itching and scratching
Lichenified lesions with exaggerated skin lines overlying a thickened, well-circumscribed scaly plaque
Predilection for nape of neck, wrists, external surfaces of forearms, lower legs, scrotum, and vulva
General Considerations
Dry, leathery, hypertrophic, lichenified plaques appear on the neck, ankles, or perineum
Patches are rectangular, thickened, and hyperpigmented
Skin lines are exaggerated
Differential Diagnosis
Psoriasis (redder lesions having whiter scales on the elbows, knees, and scalp and nail findings)
Lichen planus (violaceous, usually smaller polygonal papules)
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Nummular eczema or dermatitis (coin-shaped)
Tinea corporis
Chronic atopic dermatitis
See Table 6–2
Ultra-high potency topical corticosteroids are effective with or without occlusion and when used twice daily for several weeks
In some patients, flurandrenolide (Cordran) tape may be effective, since it prevents scratching and rubbing of the lesion
The injection of triamcinolone acetonide suspension (5–10 mg/mL) into the lesions may occasionally be curative