Estrogens and progestins are endogenous hormones that produce numerous physiological actions. In women, these include developmental effects, neuroendocrine actions involved in the control of ovulation, the cyclical preparation of the reproductive tract for fertilization and implantation, and major actions on mineral, carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism. Estrogens also have important actions in males, including effects on bone, spermatogenesis, and behavior. Well-characterized receptors for each hormone mediate biological actions in both the unliganded and the liganded states.
The most common uses of estrogens and progestins are for contraception and menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in women, but the specific compounds and dosages used in these two settings differ substantially. Antiestrogens are used in the treatment of hormone-responsive breast cancer and infertility. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that display tissue-selective agonist or antagonist activities are useful to prevent breast cancer and osteoporosis. The main use of antiprogestins has been for medical abortion.
Several naturally occurring and synthetic environmental chemicals mimic, antagonize, or otherwise affect the actions of estrogens in experimental test systems. The precise effect of these agents on humans is unknown but is an area of active investigation.
AF: activation function
CEE: conjugated equine estrogens
CHD: coronary heart disease
ER: estrogen receptor
ERα: estrogen receptor α
ERβ: estrogen receptor β
ERE: estrogen response element
FP: PGF2α receptor
FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone
GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid
GnRH: gonadotropin-releasing hormone
hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin
HDL: high-density lipoprotein
HERS: Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study
HRT: hormone replacement therapy
HSDD: hypoactive sexual desire disorder
HSP: heat shock protein
IGF: insulin-like growth factor
IUD: intrauterine device
IUS: intrauterine system
IVF: in vitro fertilization
LDL: low-density lipoprotein
LH: luteinizing hormone
LNg: levonorgestrel, as in LNg-IUS
LNg14 or 20: LNg, 14 or 20 μg/24 h
LPA: lipoprotein A
MHT: menopausal hormone therapy
MPA: medroxyprogesterone acetate
NE: norepinephrine
OHSS: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OPG: osteoprotegrin
PCOS: polycystic ovary syndrome
PG: prostaglandin
PR: progesterone receptor
PRE: progesterone response element
PRM: progesterone receptor modulators
SERM: selective estrogen receptor modulator
SHBG: sex hormone–binding globulin
WHI: Women’s Health Initiative
Chemistry and Synthesis
Many steroidal and nonsteroidal compounds, some of which are shown in Table 48–1 and Figure 48–1, possess estrogenic activity. Estrogens interact with two receptors of the nuclear receptor superfamily, termed ERα and ERβ. The most potent naturally occurring estrogen in humans, for both ERα- and ERβ-mediated actions, is 17β-estradiol, followed by estrone and estriol. Each contains a phenolic A ring with a hydroxyl group at carbon 3 and a β-OH or ketone in position 17 of ring D.