Blood Gas Basics
Normal Blood Gas Values
Venous Blood Gases
Capillary Blood Gases
General Principles of Blood Gas Determinations
Acid-Base Disorders: Definition
Mixed Acid-Base Disorders
Interpretation of Blood Gases
Metabolic Acidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Metabolic Alkalosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Respiratory Acidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Respiratory Alkalosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Sample Acid-Base Problems
Blood gases provide information concerning the oxygenation, ventilatory, and acid-base status of the patient. Blood gas results are usually given as pH, PO2, PCO2, , base excess or deficit (base difference), and O2 saturation. This test gives information on acid-base homeostasis (pH, PCO2, , and base difference) and on blood oxygenation (PO2, O2 saturation). Arterial blood gases (ABGs) are most commonly measured; venous, mixed venous, and capillary blood gases are less often measured. Indications for blood gas determinations are as follows:
To determine a patient’s ventilator status (PaCO2), acid-base balance (pH and PaCO2), and oxygenation and O2-carrying capacity (PaO2 and O2Hb)
To quantitate the response to therapeutic interventions (e.g., supplemental O2 administration, mechanical ventilation) or diagnostic evaluation (e.g., exercise desaturation)
Monitoring the severity and progression of documented disease processes (e.g., COPD)
Normal values for blood gas analysis are given in Table 14-1 below, and capillary blood gases are discussed in a following section. Mixed venous blood gases are reviewed in Chapter 28, Pulmonary Artery Catheters (Swan–Ganz Catheter) and Additional Functions and Measurement Capabilities of PA Catheters. The bicarbonate concentration () from the blood gas is a calculated value and should not be used in interpretation of blood gases; the from a concurrent chemistry panel should be used. Note: The values on the chemistry panel and those calculated from the blood gases should be about the same. A major discrepancy (>10% difference) means one or more of the three values is in error (pH, PCO2, or ) or the blood gas and the chemistry panel were not collected at the same time. ABGs and chemistry panels should be obtained at the same time for the most accurate interpretation.