A 100-year-old black woman with diabetes was brought to the office by her family concerned about the large blister on her leg that started earlier that day (Figure 183-1). This large bulla appeared spontaneously without trauma and there was no surrounding erythema. The bulla contained clear fluid and there were no signs of infection. The bulla was drained with a sterile needle and no further bullae developed. The diagnosis is bullosis diabeticorum, a benign self-limited condition.
Bullae are fluid-filled lesions on the skin that are larger than 5 mm in diameter. Bullous diseases are defined by the presence of bullae and vesicles (less than 5 mm in diameter). Bullous diseases are caused by many factors, including infections, bites, drug reactions, inflammatory conditions, and genetic and autoimmune diseases.
The approach to a patient with a blistering disorder begins with a complete history and physical examination. To make the final diagnosis, laboratory investigations or tissue biopsies may be needed.
- How did the eruption present?
- Has it changed in morphology or location?
- Has it responded to any therapies?
- Are there any associated symptoms or aggravating factors?
- How has it impacted the patient's life?
- Does the patient have any chronic medical conditions?
- Does the patient take any medications?
- Does the patient have any significant family history?
- Note the location of the eruption.
- Are the bullae flaccid or tense (Figure 183-2)?
- Are there other lesions present (erosions, excoriations, papules, wheals)?
- Is Nikolsky sign positive or negative? (Does the skin shear off when lateral pressure is applied to unblistered skin?)
- Is Asboe-Hansen sign positive or negative? (Figure 183-3) (Do the bullae extend to surrounding skin when vertical pressure is applied?) Sometimes the Asboe-Hansen sign is also attributed to Nikolsky and called a Nikolsky sign, too.
- Is the Darier sign positive or negative? (Do wheals form with rubbing of the skin?)
- Note the skin background (sun-exposed skin, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, lichenification and scarring).
- Does the patient have lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly?