What infections should be considered?
What questions should be asked in the travel history?
What diagnostic tests should be conducted?
Which patients should be hospitalized?
What clinical factors put patients at risk for serious complications?
When should an infectious disease physician be consulted?
International travelers are commonly plagued by medical problems, particularly after travel to a resource-poor setting. About 8% of travelers to developing countries seek medical care while they are away or after they return. Although fever in the traveler may be caused by mild illnesses, it may also be a harbinger of potentially lethal infection. The evaluation of the febrile traveler is complicated by the wide array of possible etiologies. It is critical to consider which infections are endemic to the area visited, potential exposures, the time between exposure and the onset of symptoms, and associated clinical findings. This chapter reviews the common causes of fever in returning travelers and the appropriate initial diagnostic evaluation.
GeoSentinel, a worldwide network of travel and tropical medicine clinics, provides the largest database for travel-related infections. From 1996 to 2004, the five most common diagnoses for patients with systemic febrile illnesses presenting to GeoSentinel clinics from the developing world were malaria, dengue, mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus, rickettsial infection, and typhoid fever.
In the GeoSentinel database, malaria was the predominant ...