We are pleased that the second edition of Current Diagnosis &
Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy has been
published within two years of the publication of the first edition. The
editors felt this timetable was especially important in order to provide
up-to-date information on a number of topics in which there is rapidly
accumulating information, especially with regard to therapeutic
considerations. Disorders in which there have been noteworthy advances in
diagnosis and therapeutics include, but are not limited to, chronic
hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, autoimmune pancreatitis, acute
pancreatitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, Barrett esophagus, inflammatory
bowel disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. We have been
particularly interested in incorporating important advances in therapeutics
in many of the sections in the textbook. We especially want to thank Mr.
Clayton R. Bemis for his fine efforts in incorporating the many changes
submitted by the authors into the final revisions.
Preface to the First Edition
The fields of gastroenterology and hepatology have changed dramatically in
the past ten years, partially as a result of the impressive advances in
understanding the molecular and pathophysiologic basis of gastrointestinal
disorders. Such advances have spawned translational research, which in turn
has resulted in important new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. In
addition, the expanding knowledge base has resulted in the development of
sub-subspecialties within the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology,
such as liver transplantation, pancreatic disease, inflammatory bowel
disease, and motility disorders. Several topics in these disciplines are
discussed in detail in Current Diagnosis & Treatment:
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy. Most notably, an entire
section of the book is devoted to advances in diagnostic and therapeutic
As a specialty, gastroenterology
interfaces with other medical and surgical sub-specialties, specifically
gastrointestinal surgery, gastrointestinal radiology, and gastrointestinal
pathology. Accordingly, several of the chapters in this book deal with
important information in these related specialties. A comprehensive chapter
on gastrointestinal radiology includes over 50 images that help clarify the
appropriate use of the many imaging techniques currently available.
Gastrointestinal disorders that have surgical implications, such as
bariatric surgery and inflammatory bowel disease, are presented in detail.
The chapter on bariatric surgery highlights the advances in this field that
have led to over 100,000 bariatric surgical procedures performed every year.
With over 1.5 million patients in the United States with inflammatory bowel
disease, surgical considerations for these disorders have become
increasingly important.
This book strikes the
right balance between comprehensiveness and convenience. It emphasizes the
practical aspects of diagnosis of gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders,
with each chapter outlining the essentials of diagnosis of various
disorders. Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, & Endoscopy provides concise, complete, and accessible
clinical information that is up-to-date.
A unique
feature of this book is that virtually all of the authors are faculty
members at the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Importantly, it has been possible for the editor and associate editors to
work closely with all the authors to ensure uniformity of presentation as
well as clarity and relevance. The intended audience for which this book has
been written comprises gastroenterologists, general internists, family
physicians, and surgeons, all of whom can derive benefit from the easily
accessible, up-to-date information that this book offers on diagnosis and
treatment in gastroenterology, hepatology, and endoscopy.
Norton J. Greenberger, MD
Richard S. Blumberg, MD
Robert Burakoff, MD