For five decades,
General Ophthalmology has served as the most
concise, current, and authoritative review of the subject for medical
students, ophthalmology residents, practicing ophthalmologists, nurses,
optometrists, and colleagues in other fields of medicine and surgery, as
well as health-related professionals. The eighteenth edition has been
revised and updated in keeping with that goal. It contains the following
changes from the seventeenth edition:
Increased number of color illustrations, more available in the online
version at
• New chapters on Ophthalmic Emergencies (3), Vision Rehabilitation
(25), and Functional Vision Score (Appendix)
• Major revision of
the tumors sections of Chapters 4 (Lids and Lacrimal Apparatus), 5
(Conjunctiva & Tears), 7 (Uveal Tract & Sclera), and 10 (Retina), of
the sclera section of Chapter 7, and of Chapters 12 (Strabismus), 18
(Ophthalmic Genetics), 19 (Ophthalmic Trauma) and 24 (Low Vision)
• Reorganization of causes and prevention of vision loss into a single
chapter (20).
As in past revisions, we have relied
on the assistance of many authorities in special fields who have given us
the benefit of their advice. We particularly thank David Albiani, Robert
Campbell, William Edward, Debra Shetlar, Dhanes Thomas, Constance West and
Jack Whitcher for their contributions to previous editions. We warmly
welcome our new authors, Toby Chan, August Colenbrander, Zélia Corrêa,
Walker Motley, Lisa Nijm, Carlos Pavesio, Adnan Pirbhai, Edward Pringle,
Shefalee Shukla Kent, Gwen Sterns, and Reza Vagefi.
Paul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphth
Emmett T. Cunningham, MD, PhD, MPH
May 2011