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Normal Hormone Reference Rangesa,b...
TestSourceAges, Conditions, etcConventional UnitsConversion FactorSI UnitsComments
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test (cosyntropin test): 0.25 mg of synthetic ACTH1-24 (cosyntropin) is administered IV or IM, and serum cortisol is measured at 0, 30, and 60 min. Normal response: peak cortisol >20 μg/dL (>540 nmol/L). A dose of 1 μg of ACTH will give a similar response in the normal individual (see Chapter 9).
ACTHPlasmaMen7-50 pg/mL0.2221.55-11.1 pmol/LCollect in silicone-coated EDTA-containing tubes. Keep iced. Avoid contact with glass during collection and separation. Process immediately. Separate and freeze plasma in plastic tube at −20°C.
Women5-27 pg/mL1.11-6 pmol/L
Prepubertal 7-28 pg/mL1.55-6.2 pmol/L
Postpubertal2-49 pg/mL0.44-10.78 pmol/L
Post-dexamethasone suppression2-5 pg/mL0.4-1.1 pmol/L
AldosteroneSerum (fasting)Sodium intake 27.7
300 mmol/d:
Adult Levels in pregnant patients are three to four times higher.
Upright am<28 ng/dL<776 pmol/L
Upright pm<21 ng/dL<582 pmol/L
Supine am3-16 ng/dL83.1-443 pmol/L
Adrenal vein200-400 ng/dL5540-11,080 pmol/L
UrineSodium dietCollect 24-h specimen in 10 g boric acid to maintain pH <7.5. Refrigerate during collection.
(100-300 mmol/d)
2-7 y≤5.7 μg/d
8-11 y≤10.2 μg/d
12-16 y≤15.6 μg/d
Adult≤2.3-21 μg/d
Post-fludrocortisone or intravenous saline infusion≤5.0 μg/d
Alkaline phosphatase, bone specificSerum2-24 mo25.4-124.0 μg/LIRMA; collect following an overnight fast; useful in Paget disease and osteoporosis; assay also known as Ostase; increased levels seen in states of high bone turnover (Paget disease, hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis).
6-9 y 41-134.6 μg/L
10-13 y
Males43.8-177.4 μg/L
Females 24.2-154.2 μg/L
14-17 y
Males 3.7-128 μg/L
Females 110.5-75.2 μg/L
Adult males
18-29 y 8.4-29.3 μg/L
30-39 y 7.7-21.3 μg/L
40-49 y 7.0-18.3 μg/L
60-68 y7.6-14.9 μg/L
Adult females
18-29 y 4.7-17.8 μg/L
30-39 y 5.3-19.5 μg/L
40-49 y 5.0-18.8 μg/L
50-76 y5.6-29 μg/L
Alpha subunitSerumMen<0.6 ng/mL RIA; used to assess gonadotropin hormone subunit secretion in pituitary adenomas.
Premenopausal <1.5 ng/mL
Postmenopausal 0.9-3.3 ng/mL
Hypothyroid<3.7 ng/mL
Pregnant or hCG-producing tumor1.8-360 ng/mL
3α-Androstenediol glucuronideSerumPrepubertal children 0.1-0.6 ng/mL 2.140.2-1.3 nmol/L Freeze serum and store at −20°C.
Tanner II-III
Male 0.19-1.64 ng/mL 0.41-3.51 nmol/L
Female 0.33-2.44 ng/mL 0.71-5.22 nmol/L
Male 2.6-15 ng/mL 5.6-32.1 nmol/L
Female0.6-3.0 ng/mL1.3-6.4 nmol/L
AndrostenedioneSerumMen 3.49
18-30 y 50-220 ng/dL 175-768 nmol/L
31-50 y 40-190 ng/dL 140-663 nmol/L
51-60 y50-220 ng/dL 175-768 nmol/L
Follicular 35-250 ng/dL 122-873 nmol/L
Midcycle 60-285 ng/dL 209-995 nmol/L
Luteal 30-235 ng/dL 105-820 nmol/L
Postmenopausal 20-75 ng/dL 70-262 nmol/L
1-12 mo 6-78 ng/dL 21-272 nmol/L
1-4 y 5-51 ng/dL 17-178 nmol/L
5-9 y 6-115 ng/dL 21-401 nmol/L
10-13 y 12-221 ng/dL 42-771 nmol/L
14-17 y 22-225 ng/dL 77-785 nmol/L
Tanner II-III
Male 17-82 ng/dL 59-286 nmol/L
Female 43-180 ng/dL 150-628 nmol/L
Tanner IV-V
Male 57-150 ng/dL 199-523 nmol/L

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