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Recommendations from

► AACE 2009

  • –In adults incidentally found to have an adrenal mass, evaluate clinically, biochemically, and radiographically for evidence of hypercortisolism, aldosteronism, the presence of pheochromocytoma, or a malignant tumor.

  • –Reevaluate patients who will be managed expectantly at 3–6 mo and then annually for 1–2 y.

Practice Pearls

  • Use a 1-mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test to screen for hypercortisolism.

  • Measure plasma-fractionated metanephrines and normetanephrines to screen for pheochromocytoma.

  • Measure plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration to assess for primary or secondary aldosteronism.




Children and Adults

Recommendations from

► Endocrine Society 2015

  • –Treatment goals:

    • Normalize cortisol levels to eliminate signs and symptoms.

    • Monitor and treat cortisol-dependent comorbidities.

  • –Vaccinate against influenza, herpes zoster, pneumococcus.

  • –Use perioperative thromboprophylaxis for venous thromboembolism.

  • –Refer for surgical resection of primary adrenal or ectopic focus.

  • –Assess postoperative serum cortisol levels.




Children and Adolescents

Recommendations from

► ADA 2023, NICE 2023, Endocrine Society 2022


  • –Screen for other autoimmune conditions at the time of diagnosis of T1DM:

    • Celiac disease: IgA tissue transglutaminase antibodies. If negative, rescreen at 2 and 5 y after DM diagnosis.

    • Thyroid disease: check TSH, thyroid peroxidase, and thyroglobulin antibodies; screen q1–2 y thereafter.

    • Pernicious anemia: check B12 level if anemia or peripheral neuropathy is present. (ADA)

    • Hypertension: check BP1 at diagnosis and each follow-up visit.

    • Consider screening for sleep health, including sleep disorders and sleep disruptions due to diabetes symptoms or management needs. Refer to sleep medicine and/or behavioral health professional as indicated. (ADA)


  • –Use insulin therapy with multiple injections daily, either via basal plus prandial insulin or an insulin pump and ensure rotation of injection sites. (NICE)

  • –Instruct patients using multiple insulin injections to self-monitor blood glucose at least 5 times daily. (NICE)

  • –Offer diabetes self-management education and support. Consider social determinants of health of the target population to guide design and delivery of diabetes self-management education and support with the ultimate goal of health equity across all populations. (ADA)

  • –Offer medical nutrition therapy, preferably with a registered dietitian nutritionist.

  • –Encourage physical activity: 60 min/d of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 3 d/wk of muscle and bone-strengthening activities.

  • –Assess psychological and social situation. Screen/refer to specialist for anxiety, depression, disordered eating.

  • –Encourage at least 4 clinic visits per year. (NICE)

  • –Advise all patients not to smoke.

  • –Consider statin therapy if ...

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