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Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Recommendations from

► ACEP 2017, AAFP 2015, AAP 2022

  • –Do not obtain routine laboratory testing.1 Medical history, examination, and previous psychiatric diagnoses should guide testing.

  • –Do not routinely order neuroimaging studies in the absence of focal neurologic deficits.

  • –Refer to specialty management as indicated.

  • –Refer to emergency care if the patient appears manic or expresses suicidal/homicidal ideation or intent.

Practice Pearl

  • Use the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist-17 or the Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire as a preliminary screening for any behavioral disorder or mental health disorder.


1Follow your local institutional policy, as some institutions may require laboratory testing.




Recommendations from

► USPSTF 2018, AAP 2019

  • –Consider screening children and adolescents.

Guidelines Alert 1–1Guidelines Discordant: Screening Children and Adolescents for Alcohol Use Disorders


  • –AAP. Pediatrics. 2019;144(1):2018.

  • –USPSTF. JAMA. 2018;320(18):1899–1909.



Recommendations from

► CDC 2024, USPSTF 2018

  • –Screen all adults in primary care settings for alcohol misuse, including pregnant persons.

  • –If positive, administer a brief behavioral counseling intervention and offer or refer for diagnostic assessment.

Practice Pearls

  • Screen regularly using a validated tool such as the AUDIT, CAGE, or MAST questionnaires.

  • The TWEAK, T-ACE, and 4P’s Plus are designed to screen pregnant persons for alcohol misuse.


  • –CDC. Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention. 2024.

  • –USPSTF. JAMA. 2018;320(18):1899–1909.

  • –ASAM. Public Policy Statement on Screening for Addiction in Primary Care Settings. 1997.



Recommendations from

► USPSTF 2018, APA 2018, WHO 2023

  • –For adults identified with an alcohol use disorder, provide a brief intervention and schedule follow-up via SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) model.

  • –Assess all patients with frequent or heavy alcohol use regularly for risk of developing withdrawals. Treat alcohol withdrawal with benzodiazepines, gabapentin, or phenobarbital.

  • –Refer all patients with life-threatening withdrawal such as seizure ...

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