For further information, see CMDT Part 22-41: Tuberculous Arthritis
Infection of peripheral joints by M tuberculosis usually presents as a monoarticular arthritis lasting for weeks to months (or longer)
Less often, it can have an acute presentation that mimics septic arthritis
Any joint can be involved; the hip and knee are most commonly affected
Constitutional symptoms and fever are not often present
Can cause a chronic tenosynovitis of the hand and wrist, or dactylitis
Joint destruction occurs more slowly than in septic arthritis due to pyogenic organisms
Rarely, patients with active pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculous develop a reactive, sterile polyarthritis associated with erythema nodosum (Poncet disease)
Synovial fluid is inflammatory, with synovial white cell counts in the range of 10,000–20,000 cells/mcL (10–20 × 109/L)
Smears of synovial fluid are positive for acid-fast bacilli in a minority of cases
Synovial fluid cultures, however, are positive in 80% of cases
Synovial biopsy is diagnostic procedure of choice; it yields characteristic pathologic findings and positive cultures in > 90%