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For further information, see CMDT Part 34-04: Other Neurotropic Viruses


Essentials of Diagnosis

  • Acute febrile illness; rash may be present; stiff neck progressing to stupor, coma, and convulsions

  • Upper motor neuron lesion signs: exaggerated deep tendon reflexes, absent superficial reflexes, and spastic paralysis

  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure and protein are often increased with lymphocytic pleocytosis

General Considerations

  • Caused by arthropod-borne viruses

  • The mosquito-borne pathogens include

    • Togaviruses (most of which are of the genus Alphavirus: Western, Eastern, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, and Mayaro virus)

    • Flaviviruses (West Nile, St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, Murray Valley encephalitis, dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and Rocio viruses)

    • Orthobunyaviruses (the California serogroup, including the Jamestown Canyon, La Crosse, and Keystone viruses)

  • The tick-borne causes of encephalitis include

    • Powassan virus (North America)

    • Tick-borne encephalitis virus of Europe and Asia

    • The Colorado tick fever reovirus

  • West Nile virus

    • Leading cause of domestically acquired arboviral disease in the United States; most cases are identified in the West and Southwest and in California

    • In 2020, 713 cases were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 45 US states

    • 78% of cases in 2020 were classified as neuroinvasive disease

    • Outbreaks with West Nile infection tend to occur between mid-July and early September

    • Climatic factors, including elevated mean temperatures and rainfall, correlate with increased West Nile infection

    • Transmission

      • Mosquitos infected by biting infected birds can infect people and other mammals

      • The virus cannot be transmitted from infected humans and other mammals to other biting mosquitoes

      • However, new data suggest that white-tailed deer may play a role in West Nile virus and other arboviral circulation

      • Human-to-human transmission is usually related to blood transfusion and organ transplantation

    • Since 2003, all blood donations in the United States are screened with nucleic acid amplification assays for West Nile virus


Symptoms and Signs

  • West Nile virus incubation period: 2–14 days

  • Disease manifestations are strongly age-dependent

    • Acute febrile syndrome and mild neurologic symptoms are more common in the young

    • Aseptic meningitis and poliomyelitis-like syndromes are seen in middle-aged persons

    • Frank encephalopathy is seen in older adults

  • The infection is symptomatic in ∼20% of cases, and of those, < 1% progress to neuroinvasive disease including meningitis, encephalitis, and flaccid paralysis

  • Symptoms include acute febrile illness and a nonpruritic maculopapular rash (variably present)

  • Meningitis is indistinguishable from other viral meningitis

  • West Nile virus encephalitis presents with fever and altered mental status

  • West Nile virus can also present as Guillain-Barré syndrome with radiculopathy

  • Other signs include tremors, seizures, cranial nerve palsies, Bell palsy, and pathologic reflexes

Differential Diagnosis

  • Mild forms of encephalitis must be differentiated from

    • Aseptic meningitis

    • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

    • Nonparalytic poliomyelitis

  • Severe forms of arbovirus encephalitides are to be differentiated from

    • Other causes of viral encephalitis ...

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