For further information, see CMDT Part 27-05: Anxiety Disorders
Essentials of Diagnosis
Persistent excessive anxiety or chronic fear and associated behavioral disturbances
Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, restlessness, and becoming easily fatigued
Not limited to an adjustment disorder
Not a result of physical disorders, other psychiatric conditions (eg, schizophrenia), or drug abuse (eg, cocaine)
General Considerations
Anxiety can become self-generating, since the symptoms reinforce the reaction, causing it to spiral
Additionally, avoidance of triggers of anxiety reinforces the anxiety, because the person continues to associate the trigger with anxiety and never relearns through experience that the trigger need not always result in fear, or that anxiety will improve with prolonged exposure to an objectively neutral stressor
Anxiety disorders include
Panic disorder
Phobic disorder
Symptoms occur predictably
Follows exposure to certain objects or situations
Fears out of proportion to the danger posed, which tend to be chronic
About 7% of women and 4% of men will meet criteria for GAD over a lifetime
GAD becomes chronic in many patients and lasts longer than 2 years in > 50%
Anxiety disorder in older adults is twice as common as dementia and 4–6 times more common than major depression
Prevalence of panic disorder: 3–5%, 25% with coincident obsessive-compulsive disorder; the female-to-male ratio is 2:1