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For further information, see CMDT Part 35-32: Anaerobic Infections


  • Common cause of brain abscess, subdural empyema, or septic CNS thrombophlebitis

  • Organisms reach CNS by direct extension from sinusitis, otitis, or mastoiditis or by hematogenous spread from chronic lung infections


  • Various neurologic deficits


  • MRI scan (most sensitive) or CT scan

  • Culture of infected tissue


  • Antibiotic therapy is an important adjunct to surgical drainage

    • Ceftriaxone, 2 g intravenously every 12 hours, plus metronidazole, 500 mg intravenously or orally every 8 hours

  • Duration of antibiotic therapy is 6–8 weeks but should be based on follow-up imaging

  • Some small brain abscesses can be treated with antibiotics alone without surgical drainage

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