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For further information, see CMDT Part 28-34: Primary Amenorrhea


  • Menarche ordinarily occurs between ages 11 and 15 years (average in United States: 12.7 years)

  • Primary amenorrhea is failure of any menses to appear

  • Evaluate at age 14 if no menarche or breast development or if height in lowest 3% for ethnicity, or at age 16 if menarche has still not occurred

  • Causes

    • Hypothalamic-pituitary (low-normal follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH])

      • Most common cause is a constitutional delay of growth and puberty, which is a variant of normal; there is a genetic basis with strong family history of delayed puberty

      • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone or gonadotropin deficiency

      • Pituitary tumor

      • Cushing syndrome

      • Hypothyroidism

      • Hypothalamic amenorrhea (eg, severe illness, stress, weight change, vigorous exercise)

      • Anorexia nervosa

    • Hyperandrogenism (low-normal FSH)

      • Adrenal tumor or adrenal hyperplasia

      • Polycystic ovary syndrome

      • Ovarian tumor

      • Exogenous androgenic steroids

    • Uterine causes (normal FSH)

      • Absence of uterus

      • Imperforate hymen

    • Ovarian causes (high FSH)

      • Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner syndrome)

      • Autoimmune ovarian failure

    • Pseudohermaphroditism

      • 46,XY disorders of sexual development

      • Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome: individuals are born with completely normal external female genitalia, although some may have labial or inguinal swellings due to cryptorchid testes

      • Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome: individuals have variable degrees of ambiguous genitalia

    • Pregnancy (high human chorionic gonadotropin)


  • Nausea, breast engorgement suggest pregnancy

  • Headaches or visual field abnormalities suggest hypothalamic or pituitary tumor

  • Obesity and short stature suggest Cushing syndrome

  • Hirsutism and virilization suggest excessive testosterone

  • Blood pressure elevation, acne, and hirsutism should be noted

  • Short stature suggests growth hormone or thyroid hormone deficiency

  • Short stature and gonadal dysgenesis indicate Turner syndrome

  • Tall stature suggests eunuchoidism or acromegaly

  • Anosmia suggests Kallmann syndrome

  • Perform pelvic and rectal examination to assess for hymen patency and presence of a uterus


  • Serum FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), total and free testosterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free T4, and pregnancy test

  • Serum electrolytes

  • Further hormone evaluation if patient is virilized or hypertensive

  • MRI of hypothalamus and pituitary is used to evaluate teens with primary amenorrhea and low or normal FSH and LH—especially those with high PRL levels

  • Pelvic duplex/color sonography is very useful

  • Karyotyping to diagnose X chromosome mosaicism


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