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For further information, see CMDT Part 27-18: Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)


Essentials of Diagnosis

  • Major criteria

    • Physiologic dependence as manifested by evidence of withdrawal when intake is interrupted

    • Tolerance to the effects of alcohol

    • Evidence of alcohol-associated illnesses, such as alcoholic liver disease, cerebellar degeneration

    • Continued drinking despite strong medical and social contraindications and life disruption

    • Impairment in social and occupational functioning

    • Depression

    • Blackouts

  • Other signs

    • Alcohol odor on breath

    • Alcoholic facies, flushed face, scleral injection

    • Tremor, peripheral neuropathy

    • Ecchymoses

    • Surreptitious drinking

    • Unexplained work absences

    • Frequent accidents, falls, or injuries of vague origin

    • In smokers, cigarette burns on hands or chest

    • Laboratory tests: elevated mean corpuscular volume, serum liver biochemical tests, uric acid, and triglycerides

General Considerations

  • The two-phase syndrome of AUD includes at-risk drinking and moderate to severe alcohol misuse

  • A drink is defined as 12 oz of beer, 8 oz of malt liquor, 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor

  • At-risk drinking is the repetitive use of alcohol, often to alleviate anxiety or solve other emotional problems

    • For men, defined as > 4 drinks per day or 14 drinks per week

    • For women, defined as > 3 drinks per day or 7 drinks per week

    • Individuals with at-risk drinking are at an increased risk for the development of an alcohol use disorder

  • Moderate to severe alcohol misuse (similarly to what follows the repeated use of other sedative-hypnotics) is characterized by

    • Recurrent use of alcohol despite disruption in social roles (family and work)

    • Alcohol-related legal problems

    • Taking safety risks by oneself and with others

  • AUD is associated with a high prevalence of lifetime psychiatric disorders, especially depression


  • Male-to-female ratios of 4:1 are converging

  • Women often delay seeking help, and when they do, they tend to seek it in medical or mental health settings

  • Adoption and twin studies indicate genetic factors in causation

  • Forty percent of Japanese individuals have aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency, which increases susceptibility to the effects of alcohol


Symptoms and Signs

Acute alcohol intoxication

  • Alcoholic intoxication and overdosage from any other central nervous system depressant share the same signs

    • Drowsiness, errors of commission, psychomotor dysfunction, disinhibition, dysarthria, ataxia, and nystagmus.

  • Blood alcohol levels < 50 mg/dL rarely cause significant motor dysfunction; legal limit for driving under the influence is commonly 80 mg/dL

  • Ataxia, dysarthria, and vomiting often indicate a blood alcohol level > 150 mg/dL

  • Lethal alcohol blood levels: 350–900 mg/dL

  • Severe intoxication: respiratory depression, stupor, seizures, shock syndrome, coma, and death

  • Serious overdoses are frequently due to a combination of alcohol with other sedatives or drugs

Alcohol withdrawal

  • Categorized as mild, moderate, or severe withdrawal, withdrawal seizures, ...

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