For further information, see CMDT Part 35-33: Actinomycosis
Essentials of Diagnosis
Recent dental infection, abdominal trauma, or intrauterine contraception device placement
Chronic pneumonia or indolent cervicofacial or intra-abdominal abscess
Sinus tract formation
General Considerations
Organisms are anaerobic, gram-positive, branching filamentous bacteria that may fragment into bacillary or coccoid forms
Organisms occur in the normal flora of the mouth and tonsillar crypts
When introduced into traumatized tissue and associated with other anaerobic bacteria, actinomycetes become pathogens
Most common site of infection is cervicofacial area (about 60% of cases)
Infection typically follows extraction of a tooth or other trauma
Lesions may develop in the gastrointestinal tract or lungs following ingestion or aspiration of the organism from its endogenous source in the mouth
Cervicofacial actinomycosis
Develops slowly, becomes markedly indurated, and the overlying skin becomes reddish or cyanotic
Abscesses eventually drain to the surface and persist for long periods
Sulfur granules—masses of filamentous organisms—may be found in the pus
There is usually little pain unless there is another secondary infection
Trismus indicates that the muscles of mastication are involved
Radiographs may reveal bony involvement
May occasionally involve the CNS, most commonly brain abscess or meningitis
Thoracic actinomycosis
Abdominal and pelvic actinomycosis
Pain in the ileocecal region
Spiking fever and chills
Weight loss
Irregular abdominal masses may be palpated
Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by actinomycetes has been associated with prolonged use of an intrauterine contraceptive device
Sinuses draining to the exterior may develop
Differential Diagnosis
Tuberculous lymphadenitis (scrofula)
Other cause of cervical lymphadenopathy
Crohn disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease from another cause
Organisms may be demonstrated as a granule or as scattered branching gram-positive filaments in pus
Anaerobic culture is necessary to distinguish from Nocardia
Histopathologic exam of affected tissue and bone is useful in identifying organisms that are fastidious and slow to culture
Cervicofacial radiograph may reveal bony involvement
Chest radiograph shows areas of consolidation and, sometimes, pleural effusion
Abdominal pelvic CT scanning may reveal an inflammatory mass extending to involve bone
Penicillin G
Drug of choice
10–20 million units intravenously in divided doses every 4–6 hours, typically for 4–6 weeks, followed by oral penicillin V, 2–4 g ...