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For further information, see CMDT Part 26-37: Myopathic Disorders


  • Glycogen storage disease due to pathogenic variant in the gene encoding acid alfa-1,4-glucosidase

  • Age at presentation ranges from infancy to the late fifties and depends on the degree of residual enzyme activity


  • Juvenile and adult-onset forms present with slowly progressive proximal muscle weakness that includes respiratory failure

  • Cardiomyopathy less common in the adult form

  • Mildly elevated serum creatine kinase

  • Muscle biopsy shows glycogen containing lysosomal vacuoles


  • Suggested by detecting reduced acid-1,4-alfa-glucosidase activity on a dried blood spot

  • Confirmed by genetic testing


  • Enzyme replacement with recombinant alfa-glucosidase stabilizes disease progression and results in improvement in respiratory function

  • Patients who weigh ≥ 40 kg and are not improving on initial enzyme replacement therapy are eligible for treatment with the combination of cipaglucosidase alfa-atga and miglustat, which demonstrated similar efficacy to alglucosidase alfa in a randomized trial

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