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Lid tumors are usually benign. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor (eFigure 7–13). Squamous cell carcinoma, meibomian gland carcinoma, and malignant melanoma also occur. Surgery for any lesion involving the lid margin should be performed by an ophthalmologist or suitably trained plastic surgeon to avoid deformity of the lid. Histopathologic examination of eyelid tumors should be routine, since 2% of lesions thought to be benign clinically are found to be malignant. The Mohs technique of intraoperative examination of excised tissue is particularly valuable in ensuring complete excision so that the risk of recurrence is reduced. Medications such as vismodegib (an oral inhibitor of the hedgehog pathway), imiquimod (an immunomodulator), and 5-fluorouracil occasionally are used instead of or as an adjunct to surgery for some basal and squamous cell carcinomas.

eFigure 7–13.

Lower lid basal cell carcinoma.

Silverman  N  et al. What's new in eyelid tumors. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol 2017;6:143.
[PubMed: 28399340]

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