This has been a collaborative project from the start. We gratefully acknowledge the thoughtful comments, corrections, and advice of the residents, international medical graduates, and faculty who have supported the authors in the revision of the third edition of First Aid for the® Family Medicine Boards. Also, we would like to acknowledge Khaled Al Bishi.
For support and encouragement throughout the process, we are grateful to Thao Pham.
Thanks to our publisher, McGraw-Hill, for the valuable assistance of their staff. For enthusiasm, support, and commitment to this challenging project, thanks to Bob Boehringer. For outstanding editorial support, we thank Linda Geisler, Emma Underdown, Catherine Johnson, and Louise Petersen. We also want to thank Artemisa Gogollari, Susan Mazik, Virginia Abbott, Marvin Bundo, and Hans Neuhart for superb illustration work. A special thanks to Rainbow Graphics, especially David Hommel, for remarkable editorial and production work.