Rare; average age, 70 years
Hormonal influences likely play an important role
Over 95% of men have ER-positive tumors and less than 10% have overexpression of HER2
Painless lump beneath the areola, usually found after age 50
Nipple discharge, retraction, or ulceration
Gynecomastia may precede or accompany male breast cancer and may itself be a risk factor
Increased incidence of breast cancer in men with prostate cancer
Examination usually shows a hard, ill-defined, nontender mass beneath the nipple or areola
Cancer staging is the same in men as in women
Bone is the most frequent site of metastases
Modified radical mastectomy in operable patients who should be chosen by the same criteria as women with the disease
Breast-conserving therapy remains underutilized
Irradiation for localized, symptomatic metastases to skin, lymph nodes, or skeleton
Adjuvant systemic therapy and radiation are used for the same indications as in breast cancer in women
Tamoxifen, 20 mg orally once daily
Aromatase inhibitors
Castration in advanced breast cancer
5-year survival rate for node-positive disease: ∼69%
5-year survival rate for node-negative disease: ∼88%