For further information, see CMDT Part 40-55: Snake Bites
Venom may be neurotoxic (coral snake) or cytolytic (rattlesnakes, other pit vipers)
Neurotoxins cause respiratory paralysis; cytolytic venoms cause tissue destruction by digestion and hemorrhage due to hemolysis and destruction of the endothelial lining of the blood vessels
Emergency measures
Immobilize patient and bitten area in neutral position
Avoid manipulation of area
Do not apply ice or tourniquet
Do not give stimulants
Incision and suction of bite is not justified because only a small amount of venom can be recovered
Transport patient to medical facility
For pit viper (eg, rattlesnake) envenomation, there are two commercially available antivenins for rattlesnake envenomation (CroFab and Anavip)
For elapid (coral snake) envenomation
1–2 vials of specific antivenom as soon as possible
Antivenom no longer made in United States; supplies are dwindling
Call regional poison control center (1-800-222-1222) to locate antisera