For further information, see CMDT Part 32-11: Typhus Group
Essentials of Diagnosis
Prodrome of headache, then chills and fever
Severe, intractable headaches, prostration, persisting high fever
Macular rash appearing on days 4–7 on the trunk and in the axillae, spreading to the rest of the body but sparing the face, palms, and soles
Diagnosis confirmed by complement fixation, microagglutination, or immunofluorescence
Disease may recrudesce (Brill-Zinsser disease)
General Considerations
Caused by Rickettsia prowazekii, an obligate parasite of the body louse Pediculus humanus (other lice were thought not to contribute although a 2018 report from Turkey suggests P humanus capitus may transmit R prowazekii)
Transmission is favored by crowded, unsanitary living conditions, famine, war, or any circumstances that predispose to heavy infestation with lice
After biting a person infected with R prowazekii, the louse becomes infected by the organism, which persists in the louse gut and is excreted in its feces
When the same louse bites an uninfected individual, the feces enter the bloodstream when the person scratches the itching wound
Dry, infectious louse feces may also enter via the respiratory tract
Because of aerosol transmissibility, R prowazekii is considered a possible bioterrorism agent
R prowazekii can survive in lymphoid and adipose tissues after primary infection, and years later, produce recrudescence of disease (Brill-Zinsser disease) without exposure to infected lice
Cases can be acquired by travel to pockets of infection (eg, central and northeastern Africa, Central and South America)
Outbreaks have been reported from Peru, Burundi, Ethiopia, Turkey, and Russia
In the United States, cases occur among the homeless, refugees, and the unhygienic, most often in the winter
Incubation period is 10–14 days
Prodromal symptoms
Prodromal symptoms are followed by
Other findings
Conjunctivitis, mild vitritis, retinal lesions, optic neuritis
Hearing loss from neuropathy of the eighth cranial nerve
Abdominal pain
Flushed faces and macular rash (that may become confluent) appears first in the axillae and then over the trunk, spreading to the extremities on the fifth or sixth day of illness; sparing the palms of hands and soles of feet
In severely ill patients,
Rash becomes hemorrhagic, and hypotension becomes marked
Pneumonia, thromboses, vasculitis with major vessel obstruction and gangrene, circulatory collapse, myocarditis, uremia, seizure may occur
Improvement begins 13–16 days after onset with a rapid drop of fever and typically a spontaneous recovery
Compared to R prowazekii infection, Brill-Zinsser disease has
Differential Diagnosis