Essentials of Diagnosis
Most common neoplasm in men aged 20–35
Patient typically discovers a painless nodule
Orchiectomy necessary for diagnosis
General Considerations
Rare, 5–6 new cases per 100,000 males in the United States each year
90–95% of all primary testicular cancers are germ cell tumors (seminoma and nonseminoma); 5–10% are non-germ cell neoplasms (Leydig cell, Sertoli cell, gonadoblastoma)
Lifetime probability of developing testicular cancer is 0.3% for an American male
Most common symptom: painless enlargement of the testis
Sensation of heaviness
Acute testicular pain from intratesticular hemorrhage in ~10%
Symptoms relating to metastatic disease in 10%, such as back pain (retroperitoneal metastases), cough (pulmonary metastases), or lower extremity edema (vena cava obstruction)
Asymptomatic at presentation in 10%
Physical examination: testicular mass or diffuse enlargement of the testis in most cases
Secondary hydroceles in 5–10%
Supraclavicular adenopathy
Retroperitoneal mass
Gynecomastia in 5% of germ cell tumors
Differential Diagnosis
Serum human chorionic gonadotropin: occasionally elevated in seminomas, levels tend to be lower than those seen with nonseminomas
α-Fetoprotein: never elevated with pure seminomas
Lactate dehydrogenase: may be elevated with either type of tumor and is a marker for disease burden
Liver biochemical tests: may be elevated in the presence of hepatic metastases
Anemia: may be present in advanced disease
Inguinal exploration with early vascular control of the spermatic cord structures
Radical orchiectomy is warranted if cancer cannot be excluded
Scrotal approaches and open testicular biopsies should be avoided