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For further information, see CMDT Part 41-02: Musculoskeletal Injuries of the Shoulder

Key Features

Essentials of Diagnosis

  • Shoulder pain with overhead motion

  • Night pain with sleeping on shoulder

  • Numbness and pain radiation below the elbow are usually due to cervical spine disease

General Considerations

  • A collection of diagnoses that cause mechanical inflammation in the subacromial space

  • Causes can be related to

    • Muscle strength imbalances

    • Poor scapula control

    • Rotator cuff tears

    • Subacromial bursitis

    • Bone spurs

  • Because shoulder injuries may present differently depending on the demands placed on the shoulder joint, establishing the patient's hand dominance, occupation, and recreational activities is important

Clinical Findings

  • Classically presents with one or more of the following:

    • Pain with overhead activities

    • Nocturnal pain with sleeping on the shoulder

    • Pain on internal rotation (eg, putting on a jacket or bra)

  • On inspection, there may be appreciable atrophy in the supraspinatus or infraspinatus fossa

  • Mild scapula winging or "dyskinesis" may be present

  • A rolled-forward shoulder posture or head-forward posture is commonly seen

  • On palpation, the patient can have tenderness over the anterolateral shoulder at the edge of the greater tuberosity

  • The patient may lack full active range of motion (Table 41–1) but has preserved passive range of motion

  • Symptoms can be elicited with the Neer and Hawkins signs (Table 41–1)

Table 41–1.Shoulder examination.

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