Essentials of Diagnosis
Shoulder pain with overhead motion
Night pain with sleeping on shoulder
Numbness and pain radiation below the elbow are usually due to cervical spine disease
General Considerations
A collection of diagnoses that cause mechanical inflammation in the subacromial space
Causes can be related to
Because shoulder injuries may present differently depending on the demands placed on the shoulder joint, establishing the patient's hand dominance, occupation, and recreational activities is important
Classically presents with one or more of the following:
Pain with overhead activities
Nocturnal pain with sleeping on the shoulder
Pain on internal rotation (eg, putting on a jacket or bra)
On inspection, there may be appreciable atrophy in the supraspinatus or infraspinatus fossa
Mild scapula winging or "dyskinesis" may be present
A rolled-forward shoulder posture or head-forward posture is commonly seen
On palpation, the patient can have tenderness over the anterolateral shoulder at the edge of the greater tuberosity
The patient may lack full active range of motion (Table 41–1) but has preserved passive range of motion
Symptoms can be elicited with the Neer and Hawkins signs (Table 41–1)