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For further information, see CMDT Part 33-04: Staphylococcus Aureus Infections

Key Features

  • An important cause of infections of intravascular and prosthetic devices and of wound infection after cardiothoracic surgery

  • Less virulent than Staphylococcus aureus, and infections tend to be more indolent

  • Normal flora of human skin

Clinical Findings

  • Often associated with a foreign body or intravascular device

  • Infection at the site of foreign body or device suggested by

    • Purulent or serosanguineous drainage

    • Erythema

    • Pain

    • Tenderness

  • Evidence of prosthetic joint infection

    • Joint instability

    • Pain

  • Evidence of prosthetic valve endocarditis

    • Fever

    • New murmur

    • Instability of the prosthesis

    • Signs of embolization

  • Immunosuppression and recent antimicrobial therapy are risk factors for prosthetic valve endocarditis


  • Infection (vs isolation as a contaminant) is more likely if

    • Patient has a foreign body or an intravascular device in place

    • Same strain is consistently isolated from two or more blood cultures (particularly if samples were obtained at different times) and from the foreign body site

  • Contamination: more likely when a single blood culture is positive or if > 1 strain is isolated from blood cultures

    • Antimicrobial susceptibility and speciation can help determine whether multiple strains have been isolated

    • More sophisticated typing methods (eg, pulse-field gel electrophoresis of restriction enzyme digested chromosomal DNA) may be required to identify distinct strains


  • Remove the foreign body or intravascular device when possible

    • Sometimes treatment with antibiotics is preferable

    • Surgical management may become necessary

  • Vancomycin

    • Dosage: 1 g intravenously every 12 hours

    • Treatment of choice for patients with normal kidney function until susceptibility to penicillinase-resistant penicillins or other agents has been confirmed

  • Duration of therapy is not established for infections caused by foreign devices, which may be eliminated by simply removing the device

  • Treat bone or a prosthetic valve infection for 6 weeks

  • Vancomycin plus rifampin, 300 mg twice daily orally, and gentamicin, 1 mg/kg intravenously every 8 hours, is recommended for prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by methicillin-resistant strains

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