For further information, see CMDT Part 24-09: Stroke
Essentials of Diagnosis
Sudden onset of back or limb pain and neurologic deficit in limbs
Motor, sensory, or reflex changes in limbs depending on level of lesion
Imaging studies distinguish between infarct and hematoma
General Considerations
Infarction of the spinal cord
Rare and typically occurs in the anterior spinal artery territory (which supplies the anterior two-thirds of the cord) because this artery is supplied by only a limited number of feeders
Usually caused by interrupted flow in one or more of these feeders, eg, with aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, aortography, polyarteritis, or severe hypotension, or after surgical repair of the thoracic or abdominal aorta
Usually caudal because the anterior spinal artery receives numerous feeders in the cervical region
Spinal cord hypoperfusion may lead to a central cord syndrome with distal weakness of lower motor neuron type and loss of pain and temperature appreciation, with preserved posterior column function
Epidural or subdural hemorrhage
May occur in patients with bleeding disorders or those who are taking anticoagulant drugs, sometimes following trauma or lumbar puncture
Epidural hemorrhage may also be related to a vascular malformation or tumor deposit
Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae
Congenital lesions that present with spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage or myeloradiculopathy
Most such fistulae are in the thoracolumbar region
Cervical dural arteriovenous fistulae lead to symptoms and signs in the arms
Infarction of the spinal cord
Acute onset of flaccid, areflexic paraplegia that evolves after a few days or weeks into a spastic paraplegia with extensor plantar responses
Dissociated sensory loss, with impairment of appreciation of pain and temperature but preservation of vibration and position sense
Epidural or subdural hemorrhage
Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae
Motor and sensory disturbances in the legs and sphincter disorders
Pain in the legs or back often severe
An upper, lower, or mixed motor deficit in the legs revealed on examination
Sensory deficits also present and usually extensive, although occasionally confined to radicular distribution
Spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage sometimes occurs, especially with cervical lesions
Differential Diagnosis
Primary tumor, eg, ependymoma, meningioma, neurofibroma
Lymphoma, leukemia, plasma cell myeloma
Metastases, eg, cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, kidney
Cervical or lumbar disk disease
Epidural abscess
Multiple sclerosis
Tuberculosis (Pott disease)