For further information, see CMDT Part 6-30: Pediculosis
Essentials of Diagnosis
Pruritus with excoriation
Nits on hair shafts; lice on skin or clothes
Occasionally, sky-blue macules (maculae ceruleae) on the inner thighs or lower abdomen in pubic louse infestation
General Considerations
A parasitic infestation of the skin of the scalp, trunk, or pubic areas
Head lice
May be transmitted by shared use of hats or combs
Epidemic among children of all socioeconomic classes in elementary schools
Adults contacting children with head lice frequently acquire the infestation
Body lice
Usually occur among people who live in overcrowded dwellings with inadequate hygiene facilities
Trench fever, relapsing fever, and typhus are transmitted by the body louse in countries where those diseases are endemic
Pubic lice may be sexually transmitted
Differential Diagnosis
Head lice
Seborrheic dermatitis
Hair casts (hair debris)
Body lice
Scabies and bedbug bites
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Pubic lice