Essentials of Diagnosis
Chronic alcohol intake usually exceeds 80 g/day in men and 30–40 g/day in women with alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis
Fatty liver is often asymptomatic
In alcoholic hepatitis, fever, right upper quadrant pain, tender hepatomegaly, and jaundice; or asymptomatic
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is often elevated, usually not above 300 units/L (6 mckat/L)
AST is greater than alanine aminotransferase (ALT), often by a factor of 2 or more
While alcoholic hepatitis is often reversible, it is the most common precursor of cirrhosis in the United States
General Considerations
Excessive alcohol intake can lead to fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis
Many of the adverse effects of alcohol are probably mediated by tumor necrosis factor and by the oxidative metabolite acetaldehyde, which contributes to lipid peroxidation and induction of an immune response
Alcoholic hepatitis is characterized by acute or chronic inflammation and parenchymal necrosis
Deficiencies of vitamins and calories probably contribute to development of alcoholic hepatitis and its progression to cirrhosis
Incidence in the United States is rising fastest among persons aged 20–29, and the increase accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic
Over 80% of patients have been drinking 5 years or more before developing any liver symptoms
The longer the duration of drinking (10–15 or more years) and the larger the alcohol consumption, the greater the probability of developing alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis
Can vary from an asymptomatic hepatomegaly to a rapidly fatal acute illness (acute-on-chronic liver failure) or to an end-stage cirrhosis
Recent period of heavy drinking
Anorexia and nausea
Hepatomegaly and jaundice in hepatitis
Abdominal pain and tenderness, splenomegaly, ascites, fever, and/or encephalopathy in cirrhosis
Infection, including invasive aspergillosis, is common in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
Differential Diagnosis
AST is usually elevated up to 400 units/L, but not higher
AST is > ALT, usually by a factor of 2 or more
Serum alkaline phosphatase is generally elevated, but seldom more than three times the normal value
Serum bilirubin is increased in 60–90% of patients with alcoholic hepatitis
Anemia (usually macrocytic) may be present
Leukocytosis with shift to the left is common with severe alcoholic hepatitis
Leukopenia is occasionally seen and resolves after cessation of drinking
About 10% of patients have thrombocytopenia related to a direct toxic effect of alcohol on megakaryocyte production or to hypersplenism