For further information, see CMDT Part 24-14: Movement Disorders
Essentials of Diagnosis
Gradual onset and progression of chorea and dementia or behavioral change
Family history of the disorder
Responsible gene identified on chromosome 4
General Considerations
Inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and occurs throughout the world, in all ethnic groups, with a prevalence rate of about 5 per 100,000
The gene responsible for the disease has been located on the short arm of chromosome 4
Offspring should be offered genetic counseling
Genetic testing permits presymptomatic detection and definitive diagnosis of the disease
Clinical onset is usually between 30 and 50 years of age
Initial symptoms
Earliest mental changes
Often behavioral, with irritability, moodiness, antisocial behavior, or psychiatric disturbance
However, a more obvious dementia subsequently develops
May initially be no more than an apparent fidgetiness or restlessness
However, choreiform movements and some dystonic posturing eventually occur
A parkinsonian syndrome with progressive rigidity and akinesia (rather than chorea) sometimes occurs in association with dementia, especially in cases with childhood onset
Differential Diagnosis
Chorea developing with no family history of choreoathetosis should not be attributed to Huntington disease, at least not until other causes of chorea have been excluded clinically and until appropriate genetic testing has been done
In younger patients, self-limiting Sydenham chorea develops after group A streptococcal infections on rare occasions
Other nongenetic causes of chorea
If progressive intellectual failure is the sole presentation, it may not be possible without genetic testing to distinguish Huntington disease from other causes of dementia unless there is a characteristic family history or a dyskinesia develops
Dentatorubral-pallidolysian atrophy
A clinically similar autosomal dominant disorder
Uncommon except in persons of Japanese ancestry
Manifested by chorea, dementia, ataxia, and myoclonic epilepsy
Due to a mutant gene mapping to 12p13.31