An autosomal dominant disorder of development of the vasculature
Recurrent epistaxis
Mucocutaneous telangiectases
Visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) (especially lung, liver, brain, bowel)
Epistaxis may begin in childhood or later in adolescence
Punctate telangiectases of the lips, tongue, fingers, and skin generally appear in later childhood and adolescence
AVMs can occur at any age in the brain, lungs, and liver
Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract
Pulmonary AVMs can cause
Hypoxemia (with peripheral cyanosis, dyspnea, and clubbing)
Right-to-left shunting (with embolic stroke or brain abscess)
The criteria for diagnosis require presence of three of the following four features:
Analysis of pathogenic variants can be used for presymptomatic diagnosis or exclusion of the worry of HHT
Contrast MRI of the brain should be obtained in all patients in whom HHT is suspected
Contrast echocardiogram
Detects most pulmonary AVMs when "bubbles" appear on the left side of the heart after 3–6 cardiac cycles
When findings are abnormal, obtain a high-resolution CT angiogram to localize pulmonary AVMs
MR or CT arteriography detects AVMs
Molecular analysis used to identify three genes that can cause HHT:
Prenatal diagnosis through pathogenic variant detection is possible
Embolization is indicated for patients who have AVMs with a feeding artery of 2 mm diameter or greater
Embolization of pulmonary AVMs with wire coils or other occlusive devices reduces the risk of stroke and brain abscess
Treatment of brain AVMs reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke
All patients with HHT with evidence of a pulmonary shunt should practice routine endocarditis prophylaxis
All intravenous lines (except those for transfusion of red blood cells and radiographic contrast) should have an air-filter to prevent embolization of an air bubble
After successful embolization of all treatable pulmonary AVMs, the CT angiogram should be repeated in 6 months and 3 years
A person with a negative contrast echocardiogram should have the test repeated every 5 years
Any person with a pulmonary AVM, even an embolized one, should utilize routine endocarditis prophylaxis
Anti-estrogenic agents (eg, tamoxifen), thalidomide, or anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents (eg, bevacizumab) may reduce epistaxis and gastrointestinal bleeding and improve hepatic shunting
However, two randomized, controlled clinical trials of intranasal bevacizumab therapy failed to show an improvement in epistaxis