Essentials of Diagnosis
Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness
Imaging study showing occlusion/absence of flow in the hepatic vein(s) or inferior vena cava
Similar clinical picture in sinusoidal obstruction syndrome but major hepatic veins are patent
General Considerations
Cases in India, China, and South Africa
Often the result of occlusion of the hepatic portion of the inferior vena cava, presumably due to prior thrombosis
Clinical presentation is mild but the course is frequently complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
Occlusion of terminal venules, which mimics Budd-Chiari syndrome clinically
May occur in patients who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, particularly those with pretransplant serum aminotransferase elevations or fever during cytoreductive therapy with cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, carmustine, busulfan, etoposide, or gemtuzumab ozogamicin
Also common in those receiving high-dose total body irradiation
Can be caused by Comfrey or "bush teas" (pyrrolizidine alkaloids)
Hypercoagulable state
Caval webs
Myeloproliferative neoplasms, eg, polycythemia vera
Right-sided heart failure or constrictive pericarditis
Neoplasm compressing the hepatic vein
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Behçet syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease
Celiac disease
Blunt abdominal trauma
Oral contraceptives or pregnancy
Presentation is most commonly subacute but may be fulminant, acute, or chronic
May present as acute-on-chronic liver failure; see Cirrhosis
Painful hepatic enlargement
Ascites, jaundice, splenomegaly, and acute kidney injury
With chronic disease, bleeding varices and hepatic encephalopathy may be evident
Hepatopulmonary syndrome may occur
Differential Diagnosis
Liver biochemical test abnormalities are nonspecific
Jaundice may or may not be present
Very high serum alanine aminotransferase/aspartate aminotransferase levels (ALT/AST) (> 1000 units/L) suggest occlusion of hepatic and portal veins
Signs of decompensated liver disease (low albumin, coagulopathy) indicate poor prognosis
Hepatic imaging studies may show a prominent caudate lobe, since its venous drainage may be occluded
Contrast-enhanced, color or pulsed-Doppler ultrasonography
MRI with spin-echo and gradient-echo sequences and intravenous gadolinium injection allows visualization of the obstructed veins and collateral vessels
Direct venography can delineate caval webs and occluded hepatic veins but is rarely required
Diagnostic Procedures