Essentials of Diagnosis
General Considerations
Clinically relevant fatigue is composed of three major components
Generalized weakness (difficulty in initiating activities)
Easy fatigability (difficulty in completing activities)
Mental fatigue (difficulty with concentration and memory)
Fatigue is often attributable to
One study found that atopy (especially numerous atopic syndromes) is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome
The lifetime prevalence of significant fatigue (present for at least 2 weeks) is about 25%
Neuropsychological and neuroendocrine studies reveal abnormalities in most patients but no consistent patterns
Screen for psychiatric disorders
Evaluation and classification of unexplained chronic fatigue involves
History and physical examination
Mental status examination (abnormalities require appropriate psychiatric, psychological, or neurologic examination)
Screening laboratory tests (see below)
Fatigue is classified as chronic fatigue syndrome if criteria for severity of fatigue are met and four or more of the following symptoms are concurrently present for 6 months or longer
Fatigue is classified as idiopathic chronic fatigue if criteria for fatigue severity or the above symptoms are not met
Differential Diagnosis
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Heart failure (HF)
Infection (eg, endocarditis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, Lyme disease, HIV, mononucleosis)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Interstitial lung disease
End-stage kidney disease
Sleep apnea
Autoimmune disease
Multiple sclerosis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis
Cerebral vascular accident
Medications (eg, β-blockers, sedatives)
Consider, as indicated
Treat affective or anxiety disorder only if present
Treat postural hypotension with fludrocortisone, 0.1 mg orally daily, and increased dietary sodium
Psychostimulants, such as methylphenidate
Vitamin D replacement in those deficient or with kidney transplant
Therapeutic Procedures
Resistance training and aerobic exercise lessens fatigue in a number of chronic conditions, including
Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome involves a comprehensive multidisciplinary intervention