For further information, see CMDT Part 35-14: Fascioliasis
Infection results from ingestion of encysted metacercariae on watercress or other aquatic vegetables or in water
Eggs of worm infect snails; snails subsequently infect vegetation
Most prevalent in sheep-raising countries, particularly where raw salads are eaten
Symptoms related to migration of larvae present 6–12 weeks after ingestion
Typical findings
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Tender hepatomegaly and elevated liver function tests may be seen
Migration to other organs may lead to localized disease (rare)
Symptoms of worm migration subside after 2–4 months, followed by
Asymptomatic infection by adult worms
Intermittent symptoms of biliary obstruction, with biliary colic and, at times, findings of cholangitis
Eggs are not found in the feces during the acute migratory phase of infection
Clinical suspicion should be based on clinical findings and marked eosinophilia in at-risk individuals
Imaging studies
Show hypodense migratory lesions of the liver
In chronic infection, show masses obstructing extrahepatic biliary tract
Serologic assays have sensitivity and specificity > 90%, but cannot distinguish past and current infection
Antigen tests with excellent sensitivity and specificity are available in veterinary medicine and show promise in humans
Definitive diagnosis is made by identifying eggs in stool
Repeated examinations may be necessary
Praziquantel not effective
Treatment of choice
Available in the United States through the CDC under an investigational protocol
Standard dosing of 10 mg/kg orally in a single dose or two doses over 12 hours achieves a cure rate of about 80%
Repeat dosing is indicated if abnormal radiologic findings or eosinophilia do not resolve
Treatment with either drug can be accompanied by abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms
Other potential therapies
Prevention of fascioliasis involves avoiding ingestion of raw aquatic plants