Painful enlargement of the epididymis, relieved by scrotal elevation
Fever and irritative voiding symptoms are common
In advanced cases, infection can spread to the testis and the entire scrotal contents become tender to palpation
Sexually transmitted form
Typically in men under age 35
Associated with urethritis
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Nonsexually transmitted form
In men aged 35 years and older, associated with urinary tract infections and prostatitis
Caused by enteric gram-negative rods
Symptoms may follow chronic dysfunctional voiding, urinary retention, sexual activity or trauma
Associated symptoms of urethritis (pain at the tip of the penis and urethral discharge) or cystitis (irritative voiding symptoms)
Pain in the scrotum may radiate along the spermatic cord or to the flank
Scrotal swelling and tenderness are usually apparent
Severe cases may develop systemic symptoms such as fever
Early in the course, the epididymis may be distinguishable from the testis; however, later the two may appear as one enlarged, tender mass
A reactive hydrocele may develop
The prostate may be tender on rectal examination
Differential diagnosis
Tumors of the testis
Testicular torsion
Distal ureteral stone
Complete blood count: leukocytosis and left shift
Sexually transmitted form
Perform Gram stain of urethral discharge
Results may show white cells and gram-negative intracellular diplococci (N gonorrhoeae) or white cells without visible organisms (nongonococcal urethritis, C trachomatis)
Nonsexually transmitted form
Perform urinalysis
Results may show pyuria, bacteriuria, hematuria
Urine cultures may reveal pathogen
Sexually transmitted
Intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone plus 10 days of oral doxycycline
Any sexual partners from the preceding 60 days must be evaluated and treated as well
Men who practice insertive anal intercourse receive an intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone and 10 days of a fluoroquinolone to cover sexually transmitted and enteric organisms
Nonsexually transmitted
Evaluate urinary tract to identify underlying disease
Bed rest and ice with scrotal elevation
Prompt treatment usually results in a favorable outcome
Symptoms and signs of epididymitis that do not subside within 3 days require reevaluation of the diagnosis and therapy
If significant scrotal swelling has developed, this may take 4 weeks to resolve
Delayed or inadequate treatment may result in epididymo-orchitis, decreased fertility, abscess formation