Essentials of Diagnosis
Usual presentation is systemic hypertension
Echocardiography/Doppler is diagnostic; a peak gradient of > 20 mm Hg may be significant due to collaterals around the coarctation reducing gradient despite severe obstruction
Associated bicuspid aortic valve in 50–80% of patients
Delayed pulse in femoral artery compared to brachial artery
Systolic pressure is higher in upper extremities than in lower extremities; diastolic pressures are similar
General Considerations
Coarctation of the aorta consists of localized narrowing of the aortic arch just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery
If the stenosis is severe,
Collateral circulation develops around the coarctation site through the intercostal arteries and the branches of the subclavian arteries
A lower trans-coarctation gradient can result by enabling blood flow to bypass the obstruction
Coarctation is a cause of secondary hypertension and should be considered in young patients with elevated blood pressure
The renin-angiotensin system is often abnormal and contributes to the residual hypertension occasionally seen even after coarctation repair
A bicuspid valve is seen in approximately 50–80% of the cases, and there is an increased incidence of cerebral berry aneurysms
Significant native or recurrent aortic coarctation has been defined as follows
Upper extremity/lower extremity resting peak-to-peak gradient > 20 mm Hg or mean Doppler systolic gradient > 20 mm Hg
Upper extremity/lower extremity gradient > 10 mm Hg or mean Doppler gradient > 10 mm Hg when there is either decreased LV systolic function or aortic regurgitation
Upper extremity/lower extremity gradient > 10 mm Hg or mean Doppler gradient > 10 mm Hg when there is evidence for collateral flow around the coarctation
The 2020 European Society of Cardiology guidelines have expanded the severity criteria and suggest stenting is appropriate if the patient is normotensive but has a peak gradient of > 20 mm Hg or if the stenosis by angiography is > 50%
Usually no symptoms until hypertension produces left ventricular (LV) failure
Cerebral hemorrhage occurs rarely
Increased frequency of intracranial aneurysm
Strong arterial pulsations in the neck and suprasternal notch
Hypertension in the arms, but blood pressure is normal or low in the legs
Delayed or weak femoral pulsations
A continuous murmur heard superiorly and midline in the back or over the left anterior chest may be present when large collaterals occur and is a clue that the coarctation is severe
Aortic regurgitation or stenosis murmur due to an associated bicuspid aortic valve may be present
Coarctation is associated with Turner syndrome (a sex chromosomal abnormality [XO]); a webbed neck may be present in these patients