At least 4 million American women have had breast implants
No increase in autoimmune disease associated with silicone gel implants
No increased risk of breast cancer associated with implants, but cancer can develop in implant patients
Rarely, lymphoma of the breast with silicone implants has been reported
Capsule contraction or scarring around the implant occurs in 15–25% of patients, leading to a firmness and distortion of the breast that can be painful
Implant rupture may occur in as many as 5–10% of women, and bleeding of gel through the capsule is even more common
Breast cancer may be more difficult to diagnose because mammography is less able to detect early lesions if implants are present
However, after a woman who had mastectomy undergoes breast reconstruction with implants, local recurrence of cancer is usually cutaneous or subcutaneous and is easily detected by palpation
Women should consider removal of implants if they have significant pain
Women with symptoms of autoimmune illnesses often undergo implant removal, but no benefit has been shown
If a cancer develops, it should be treated in the same manner as in women without implants
Radiotherapy of the augmented breast often results in marked capsular contracture
Adjuvant therapy should be given for same indications as for women without implants