For further information, see CMDT Part 17-05: Breast Abscess
Infection is generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus and is common in lactating women during nursing
Infection in nonlactating women is rare
However, subareolar abscesses may develop in nonlactating young or middle-aged women
In the nonlactating breast, consider inflammatory carcinoma
In lactating women, diagnosis is generally clinical
In nonlactating women, incision and biopsy of indurated breast tissue are indicated to rule out malignancy
Differential diagnosis
Needle or catheter drainage is often adequate, but surgical incision and drainage may be necessary
An abscess tends to recur after incision and drainage unless the area is explored during a quiescent interval with excision of the involved lactiferous duct or ducts at base of nipple
For abscess or cellulitis in nonlactating breast that does not promptly resolve with antibiotics, incision and biopsy of indurated tissue with small piece of erythematous skin are indicated
This biopsy is generally required to rule out malignancy (inflammatory breast cancer)