Essentials of Diagnosis
Localized urticarial papules with pruritus
Lesions in linear groups of three ("breakfast, lunch, and dinner") is characteristic of bed bugs
Furuncle-like lesions containing live arthropods
Tender erythematous patches that migrate ("larva migrans")
General Considerations
Body lice, fleas, bedbugs, and mosquitoes should be considered
Most persons can readily detect the bites (eg, mosquitoes and biting flies)
However, in other persons, the reaction can be delayed for many hours
Many persons are allergic
Often incorrectly believed to be the source of bites
They rarely attack humans
However, the brown recluse spider (Loxosceles laeta, Loxosceles reclusa) may cause severe necrotic reactions and death due to intravascular hemolysis
The black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans) may cause severe systemic symptoms and death
In addition to arthropod bites, the most common lesions are
Venomous stings (wasps, hornets, bees, ants, scorpions)
Bites (centipedes)
Furuncle-like lesions due to fly maggots or sand fleas in the skin
Linear creeping eruption due to a migrating larva
Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis are the most common species found on cats and dogs
Both species attack humans
The human flea is Pulex irritans
Bedbugs are found in crevices of beds or furniture
Ticks are usually picked up by brushing against low vegetation
Chiggers or red bugs are larvae of trombiculid mites
Bird and rodent mites
Mites in stored products
White and almost invisible
Infest products such as vanilla pods, sugar, straw, cottonseeds, cereals
Persons who handle these products may be attacked on the hands, forearms and sometimes on the feet
Caterpillars of moths with urticating hairs
Hairs are blown from cocoons or carried by emergent moths, causing severe and often seasonally recurrent outbreaks after mass emergence
The gypsy moth is a cause in eastern United States
Due to the burrowing flea Tunga penetrans and found in Africa, the West Indies, South and Central America
The female burrows under the skin, sucks blood, swells to 0.5 cm, and then ejects her eggs onto the ground
Individual bites are often in clusters and tend to occur either on exposed parts (eg, midges and gnats) or under clothing, especially around the waist or at flexures (eg, small mites or insects in bedding or clothing)
The reaction is often delayed for 1–24 h or more
Pruritus is almost always present and may be all but intolerable once the patient starts to scratch
Secondary infection may follow scratching
Urticarial wheals are common; papules may become vesicular
Flea saliva and bedbugs produce papular urticaria in sensitized individuals
Chiggers or red bugs