For further information, see CMDT Part 35-31: Anisakiasis
Nausea, vomiting, and progressive epigastric pain
Occasionally, acute infection is followed by a chronic course
Infection is by larval invasion of the stomach or intestinal wall by anisakid nematodes
Multiple species of the family Anisakidae may occasionally infect humans
Definitive hosts for these parasites are marine mammals
Eggs are passed in the feces and ingested by crustaceans, which are then eaten by fish and squid
When ingested by humans in undercooked seafood, larvae penetrate the stomach or intestinal wall but cannot complete their life cycle
Most common in Japan
Clinical manifestations follow burrowing of worms into the stomach or intestinal wall, leading to
Acute infection
Causes severe epigastric or abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting (usually within 2 days of parasite ingestion)
May cause allergic symptoms (eg, urticaria, angioedema, and anaphylaxis)
Generally resolves within 2 weeks
Chronic symptoms suggest
Rarely, worms may migrate to other sites or be coughed up
Eosinophilia is not usually seen
Radiographs may identify stomach or intestinal lesions
Diagnosis is suggested in persons with acute abdominal symptoms after eating raw fish
Endoscopy may allow visualization and removal of the worm
Specific therapy is not indicated
Endoscopic worm removal hastens recovery
Parasites are killed by cooking or deep freezing fish