For further information, see CMDT Part 13-09: Hemolytic Anemias
Serum haptoglobin is low but test is neither specific nor sensitive
Reticulocytosis present unless second disorder (infection, folate deficiency) is superimposed on hemolysis
Transient hemoglobinemia with intravascular hemolysis
Hemoglobinuria when capacity for reabsorption of hemoglobin by renal tubular cells is exceeded
Urine hemosiderin test positive; indicates prior intravascular hemolysis
Hemoglobinemia and methemalbuminemia if severe intravascular hemolysis
Indirect bilirubin elevated, total bilirubin may rise to 4 mg/dL or more; higher bilirubin elevations may indicate hepatic dysfunction
Serum lactate dehydrogenase elevated in microangiopathic hemolysis; may be elevated in other hemolytic anemias