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Various developmental, neoplastic, infectious, traumatic, and cardiovascular disorders may cause masses that appear in the mediastinum on chest radiograph. A useful convention arbitrarily divides the mediastinum into three compartments—anterior, middle, and posterior—in order to classify mediastinal masses and assist in differential diagnosis based on contents of these anatomic regions. The anterior compartment is bounded by the sternum anteriorly and the surface of the great vessels and pericardium posteriorly. The middle compartment extends from the anterior pericardium to the anterior surface of the thoracic spine. The posterior compartment is paravertebral. Specific mediastinal masses have a predilection for one or more of these compartments; most are located in the anterior or middle compartment.

The differential diagnosis of an anterior mediastinal mass includes thymoma, teratoma, thyroid lesions, lymphoma, and mesenchymal tumors (lipoma, fibroma). The differential diagnosis of a middle mediastinal mass includes lymphadenopathy, pulmonary artery enlargement, aneurysm of the aorta or innominate artery, developmental cyst (bronchogenic, enteric, pleuropericardial), dilated azygous or hemiazygous vein, and foramen of Morgagni hernia. The differential diagnosis of a posterior mediastinal mass includes hiatal hernia, neurogenic tumor, meningocele, esophageal tumor, foramen of Bochdalek hernia, thoracic spine disease, and extramedullary hematopoiesis. The neurogenic tumor group includes neurilemmoma, neurofibroma, neurosarcoma, ganglioneuroma, and pheochromocytoma.

Symptoms and signs of mediastinal masses are nonspecific and are usually caused by the effects of the mass on surrounding structures. Insidious onset of retrosternal chest pain, dysphagia, or dyspnea is often an important clue to the presence of a mediastinal mass. In about half of cases, symptoms are absent, and the mass is detected on routine chest radiograph. Physical findings vary depending on the nature and location of the mass.

CT scanning is helpful in management; additional radiographic studies of benefit include barium swallow if esophageal disease is suspected, Doppler sonography or venography of brachiocephalic veins and the superior vena cava, and angiography. MRI is useful; its advantages include better delineation of hilar structures and distinction between vessels and masses. Tissue diagnosis via either needle or excisional biopsy is generally necessary when a neoplastic process is considered. Treatment and prognosis depend on the underlying cause of the mediastinal mass.

Gentili  F  et al. Update in diagnostic imaging of the thymus and anterior mediastinal masses. Gland Surg. 2019;8:S188.
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Lee  HN  et al. Diagnostic outcome and safety of CT-guided core needle biopsy for mediastinal masses: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Radiol. 2020;30:588.
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Miyazawa  R  et al. Incidental mediastinal masses detected at low-dose CT screening: prevalence and radiological characteristics. Jpn J Radiol. 2020;38:1150.
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Sakka  D  et al. Mediastinal masses: clinical, radiological and pathological analysis. Eur Respir J. 2018;52:PA2579.

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