I am very fortunate to have trained in neurology under two of the field’s great luminaries, Dr. Allan H. Ropper and Dr. Martin A. Samuels. They are not only two virtuosic neurologists, they are extraordinary teachers, inspiring and dedicated mentors, and serve as role models of the Complete Physician toward which to strive.
Dr. Steve Feske has also been an extremely important guru in my development as a neurologist. I have learned so much from discussing cases with him, and admire his balance of clinical wisdom and rigorous analysis of the evidence (or lack thereof) when approaching the most complex cases with extreme clarity. I often find myself “trying to ask my inner Feske” when faced with vexing clinical dilemmas.
I would also like to thank the faculty of the Partners Neurology Residency Program who trained me, with special gratitude to Dr. Tracey Milligan, Dr. Nagagopal Venna, Dr. Steve M. Greenberg, Dr. Albert Hung, Dr. Sashank Prasad, Dr. Anthony Amato, Dr. Tracey Cho, Dr. Joshua Klein, and Dr. Sherry Chou for their clinical teaching and mentorship.
I have learned so much from the residents and students with whom I have been privileged to work in Boston, in Haiti, and in Malawi. Their questions and their pursuit of answers to questions I could not answer have enriched my own knowledge, and in turn, have helped me to develop as a teacher of neurology and neuroanatomy.
In Haiti, where there is one neurologist for 10 million citizens, I have had the honor of teaching neurology to family practitioners and internists for the last several years. Dr. Patrick Jouissance, my long-time colleague in Haiti, once said to me after a week of neurology training for his family medicine residents, “We need a clear and concise neurology textbook- please write one for us!” I hope he and his residents will find that this book fulfills their request.
In writing the first edition of this book, I was fortunate that my expert subspecialty colleagues from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) took time out of their busy schedules to review individual chapters in their areas of expertise, and this book has benefited greatly from their thoughtful reviews and insightful suggestions. I extend enormous thanks to Dr. Anthony Amato (Neuromuscular Diseases, BWH), Dr. Shamik Bhattacharyya (Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Neurology, BWH), Dr. Tracey Cho (Neuro-infectious Diseases, MGH), Dr. Thomas Cochrane (Neuromuscular Diseases, BWH), Dr. Barbara Dworetzky (Epilepsy, BWH), Dr. Claudio DeGusmao (Pediatric and Transitional Neurology, BWH), Dr. Steven Feske (Vascular neurology and Neuro- critical care, BWH), Dr. Steven M. Greenberg (Vascular neurology, MGH), Dr. Albert Hung (Movement Disorders, BWH/MGH), Dr. Tamara Kaplan (Fellow in Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Diseases, BWH), Dr. Joshua Klein (Neuroradiology and Neurology, BWH), Dr. Jong Woo Lee (Epilepsy, BWH), Dr. Jennifer Lyons (Neuro-infectious Diseases, BWH), Dr. Scott McGinnis (Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, BWH), Dr. William Mullally (Headache, BWH), Dr. Lakshmi Nayak (Neuro-oncology, BWH), Dr. Page Pennell (Epilepsy, BWH), Dr. Sashank Prasad (Neuro-ophthalmology, BWH), and Dr. James Stankiewicz (Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Diseases, BWH).
I am also grateful to the residents and medical students who took the book for a “test drive” and provided thoughtful feedback: Dr. Emer McGrath, Dr. Pooja Raibagkar, Dr. Francois Roosevelt, Dr. Michael Erkkinen, and Cathy Hao.
The first edition of this book would not have been possible without the phenomenal stewardship of Andrew Moyer and the efforts of his team at McGraw Hill. Andrew guided this book from idea to production and he and his team developed creative ways to enhance the pedagogy of the text and figures through their layout and presentation. I am grateful to Tim Hiscock, Peter Boyle, and their team at McGraw Hill for shepherding this book through its second edition. Tasneem Kauser and her team at KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. effectively and efficiently transformed the countless text and image files with which I provided them into the book you are holding and were a pleasure to work with.
Finally, to the patients who have taught me all of the neurology I know, I hope that this book will honor your courage in facing neurologic disease and your generosity in allowing us to learn from you.