Apo: apolipoprotein
ATP: adenosine triphosphate
AUC: area under the concentration-time curve
BBB: blood-brain barrier
BCRP: breast cancer resistance protein
BCSFB: blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier
CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
fu,brain: unbound fraction of drug in brain homogenate
fu,plasma: unbound fraction of drug in plasma
FUS: focused ultrasound
IR: insulin receptor
ISF: interstitial fluid
Kp,uu,brain: partition coefficient of unbound drug in brain interstitial fluid to that in plasma
Kp,uu,cell: partition coefficient of unbound drug between intracellular and interstitial fluids
LDLRf: low-density lipoprotein receptor family
MRP: multidrug resistance protein
PET: positron emission tomography
PS: permeability surface area product
RMT: receptor-mediated transcytosis
Tf: transferrin
TfR: transferrin receptor
Vu,brain: unbound volume of distribution in the brain; i.e., partitioning of total drug to that unbound in the brain interstitial fluid
For a drug to be active, it must reach a certain concentration in the target tissue. The central nervous system (CNS) possesses a series of barriers that separate the neural tissue from the periphery. These barriers act to stringently regulate the movement of ions, molecules, and cells between peripheral fluids (i.e., blood) and the CNS, thus tightly regulating the extracellular environment of the CNS, which is critical to maintain homeostasis. The barriers not only control the influx of glucose and essential nutrients but also greatly limit the entry of many exogenous compounds, including drugs. The pharmaceutical industry has struggled with developing drugs that can cross these barriers and enter the brain without requiring high doses that give unwanted peripheral side effects or are too costly. For large-molecule drugs like antibodies, this problem is greater since larger molecules have an even lower ability to cross brain barriers.
The brain barriers include the blood vessels that vascularize the CNS parenchyma, the meningeal covering of the brain, and the choroid plexus within the ventricles (Figure 17–1).
The barriers are especially important to insulate the neurons from ionic fluctuations, such that the neurons can maintain appropriate ion gradients required for neural circuit function. The brain barriers also protect the CNS from toxins, pathogens, and even the body’s own immune system, ...