We would like to thank our coauthors, who now number twenty one, for their hard work in expanding this text. We are grateful for the support of Harriet Lebowitz and James Shanahan at McGraw-Hill, who have helped us throughout this process and believed in our vision. Thanks to Jennifer Bernstein for her meticulous copyediting. Finally, our patients deserve special praise, for sharing their lives with us, trusting us, and forgiving us when our limited faculties err, as they inevitably do. It is for them that we practice our art.
Scott Stern: I would like to thank a few of the many people who have contributed to this project either directly or indirectly. First I would like to thank my wife Laura, whose untiring support throughout the last 42 years of our lives and during this project, made this work possible. My mother, Suzanne Black, remained a constant supporter during her lifetime. Other members of my family have also been very supportive including my children Michael, David and Elena; My father Robert Stern and grandmother, Elsie Clamage. Two mentors deserve special mention. David Sischy shared his tremendous clinical wisdom and insights with me over 10 wonderful years that we worked together. David is the best diagnostician I have met and taught me more about clinical medicine than anyone else in my career. I remain in his debt. I would also like to note my appreciation to my late advisor, Dr. John Ultmann. Dr. Ultmann demonstrated the art of compassion in his dealings with patients on a day-to-day basis on a busy hematology-oncology service in 1983.
Adam Cifu: Excellent mentors are hard to find. I have been fortunate in the mentors who have guided me in my life and my career My parents gave me every opportunity imaginable. Claude Wintner taught me the importance of organization, dedication, and focus and gave me a model of a gifted educator. Olaf Andersen nurtured my interest in science and guided my entry into medicine. Carol Bates showed me what it means to be a specialist in general medicine and a clinician educator. Halina Brukner has mentored me during my career at the University of Chicago. My family, Sarah, Ben, and Amelia, always remind me of what is most important. Thank you.
Diane Altkorn: I want to thank the students and house officers at the University of Chicago for helping me to continually examine and refine my thinking about clinical medicine and how to practice and teach it. I have been fortunate to have many wonderful mentors and teachers. I particularly want to mention Dr. Steven MacBride, who first taught me clinical reasoning and influenced me to become a general internist and clinician educator. As a resident and junior faculty member, I had the privilege of being part of Dr. Arthur Rubenstein’s Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago. Dr. Rubenstein’s commitment to excellence in all aspects of medicine is a standard to which I will always aspire. His kind encouragement and helpful advice have been invaluable in my professional development. Finally, I am grateful for my family. My parents have provided lifelong support and encouragement. My husband, Bob, is eternally patient and supportive of everything I do. And without my children Danny and Emily, my life would be incomplete.