First and foremost, my deepest appreciation goes to the incredible authors who contributed to the success of the first edition and to the revision for the second edition of this book. Their expertise in caring for patients with wounds and their dedication to education compelled them to say, "Yes," when asked to participate in this project. Having the sales representatives of McGraw-Hill say, "Don't change anything, just up-date it" made it easy to ask this busy group of professionals to help with the revision, and their suggestions, up-dates, corrections, and additions were all right on target for each chapter. Dr. David Armstrong, who has been an inspiration and a mentor to me, was enthusiastic and original in his preface, bringing his humor and commitment to limb salvage to life with his words. Thank you, everyone!!
The editorial staff at McGraw-Hill have been supportive and encouraging from the very beginning. Michael Weitz never stops dreaming with me, and Regina Brown is awesome with handling every detail. Anthony Landi, Arman Osvepyan, and the artistic team at McGraw-Hill were patient and understanding with me when we brain-stormed cover ideas to reflect the mission of the book, and were beyond successful in bringing the mission to life. And to each and every sales rep who has taken the textbook to the educational marketplace, you have my sincere thanks.
Poonam Bisht and the team at MPS Limited were awesome in catching every inconsistency, grammar and spelling mistake, and reference error. They were sensitive to my suggestions for figure and table placement in order to make the book as student-friendly as possible. The team exemplified professionalism and they made my task infinitely easier.
As I was writing both editions, there were two past professors from graduate school who were constantly sitting on my shoulder and acting as my conscience as I put the words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages together. Dr. Carolee Winstein was my first professor in graduate school, a most daunting experience I must say. She was the consummate professor who taught me, not just the material of the class, but HOW to be a good student, and specifically how to critically read journal articles for their credibility and applicability. Her lessons were my yardstick for every single reference in the book. Dr. Michael Schneir, a professor in the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry at USC, taught me scientific writing, first in a class and then in one-on-one sessions as I prepared my first teaching document for publication. Every word, period, comma, phrase, sentence had to be placed and worded in such a way that it relayed the most correct information with the least amount of words; indeed every a or the before a noun could be a cause for discussion. To both of these magnificent educators, I say thank you for all that you taught me and for being ever-lasting mentors.
My family, including husband Bob Bothner, children and grandchildren, have been encouraging and understanding with the time, focus, energy, and messy office that any writing project demands. As it reaches completion, I can only be excited about the additional time I will now have to spend with them. They fill my life with joy, happiness, love and laughter for which I am so very grateful.
Any successful venture takes a team working together, each member with its own special skills and talents, and the team that created Text and Atlas of Wound Diagnosis and Management has been the best any author/editor could possibly have. May each and every reader feel the passion and expertise that is reflected in these pages, and use it as Dr. Armstrong so eloquently stated, "to help our patients with wounds move through the world with more confidence, better function, and a healthier life-style."